© KJ Nivin All rights reserved
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October 2011 Part 3 |
1 Oct 2011
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October 2011 Part 2 |
Katia: My pleasure KJ.
Katia: That's right KJ. I was, what they call, a Virtual Time Jumper. I won't go into it. Our audience can find that in your book. I love the 21st...that is, the 21st century and the man I met here.
Author: Oh...your are referring to Detective Annen Scott I presume.
Katia: You presume right KJ.
Author: In the book you find true love but are ripped apart by space and time....and you have a life or death mission as well. My first book introduces the plot and now book two is coming out in October 2011. What a twist you learn about as this series moves forward.
Katia: Yes, things turn unexpectedly in part two but the love of my life is there to see me through.
Author: Isn't it nice to have someone you can call your soul mate? And speaking of mates...Detective Annen Scott ladies and gentlemen. Annen.(Applauding women stand up clapping)
Annen: Hello love. (British accent - Kisses Katia warmly on the mouth) Hello KJ.good to see you. Hello everyone. (Annen sits down with Katia and takes her hand)
Author: Annen, I'm glad you could make it tonight. Katia taught you some really interesting things in book one.
Annen: She sure did. I can now use the SiSi hand held device and I'm a pretty good Jumper myself in your second book Clock Jumpers Return-World Within Worlds.
Author: Katia, I can see you are both in love. Where do you see this taking you two. After all you are from the 23rd century, a place you call home, and Annen is from this time peroid. What a long distance love affair. Do you agree?
Katia: Love is universal and it defeats time and distance. Our hearts can beat the clock anytime. (Great Whistling and Alloause)
Author: Well, that is so true. Annen, you gave me the name for this novel series...Clock Jumpers. I was struggling for a catchy name and as the book progressed you brought up the phrase while doing some self-talk. Thank you so much. It is always difficult to pick a title that really sparks the imagination.
Annen: You are very welcome KJ. I had to put a name to what I saw Katia doing and that name seemed the most appropriate.
Author: Katia, you are as lovely as ever....and Annen in book two your appearance has changed quite a bit. I will leave it at that but stay tuned.... Thank you both for being here tonight and I will see you both in October. Good night everyone....It was a pleasure.
6 Oct 2011
Interview by KJ Nivin with his book Character Dr. Chi of Clock Jumpers Return-World Within Worlds.
Author: Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I have a guest who has a great sense of humor even when the pressure of life and death are knocking at his door. Dr. Chi. Come on down.(Chi walks onstage and sits across from KJ)
Chi: Thank you KJ. It's great to be here. (Audience still applauding, Chi waves) Thank you, thank you.
Author: Well Dr. Chi, it is a pleasure having you on our show and I see the audience thinks so too.
Chi: KJ, thank you for allowing me to be a part of CJR. We shortened the name behind the cameras when we were shooting. Clock Jumpers Return part 2 was really fun filming and some of the scenes that were supposed to be serious - it was difficult to keep a straight face. I am glad you allowed some humor to enter the script. Your book has been a great success.
Author: Well Chi, it took the right chemistry on set to develop something that worked. We were able to keep the integrity of the book as we produced this movie. Are you ready for Clock Jumpers 3 Chi?
Chi: Yes KJ but you left Annen and Katia in a fix at the end of part 2. I only hope things work out for them. I have developed a fondness for them both and had to make a tough decision in part 2. I thank Emanuel that you created me for this part though, it gives me an opportunity to be in the history books of your novels.
Author: You're so welcome Chi. Tell me Chi, you must have been a standup comedian in a different life. In CJ 3 it really comes out.
Chi: KJ, laughter is food for the soul and I nourish mine daily. Being too serious in life, even when the chips are down, is because of the lack of balance. Sometimes we have to practice laughing. You told me that when you first were recovering from alcoholism that your family and you split up and you intentionally bought funny Bill Cosby albums and listened to them so you could come out of your depression.
Author: That is true Chi, it was a long time ago but I can tell you I was devastated but I wanted to stay sober also. My wife and I split because of my antics and took my three children. My daughter was only one year old. It was either get over it or drink. I chose life. (Audience applause). Enough a about me Chi, how do you like living in Virginia Beach in the 21st Century?
Chi: The 23dr has its advantages but I love the 21st. Even with dodging the alien ships, the weather is lovely and the beach life is great. People are friendly and of course I love rollerblading and riding my bike on the boardwalk path. It's fun in the sun.
Author: Well Chi, enjoy your stay and get ready for book 3 of Clock Jumpers. I am looking forward to getting it done and who knows, maybe someone will pick it up as a TV series. Chi, as always, it has been a pleasure. Come back and see me again. Dr. Chi ladies and gentlemen - Clock Jumpers Return-World Within Worlds. (Applause. everyone stands)
12 Oct 2011
Author: Tonight we are here with J. Lynn Croff again. Welcome J. Lynn (Applause, whistling) Looks like you have some male friends J. Lynn. Thanks guys, we'll be auctioning off a date with J. Lynn at the end of the interview. J. Lynn how did the filming of CJ3 go this week?
J. Lynn: Hello KJ. Good to see the Author of the Clock Jumper series. Thanks guys.(Scattered whistles) The movie is going well. We are filming in Australia at this time. It's really fun and beautiful.
Author: Is this part three that is being produced or all three, parts one, two, and three?
J. Lynn: This movie is...a secret. We are sworn to secrecy so I can't really tell tails but for those who have read all three parts of Clock Jumpers, you know that it is about time travel and that Detective Brad King and I..(Women cheer for Brad) Brad has some fans as well...As I was saying...Brad and I stumbled upon this entire scenario of time travel. I had no idea that you would take us into SI-FI KJ.
Author: In the life of a character, you can never tell where you end up in my novels. I thought that the Clock Jumpers could use the help of you and Brad. I left them in quite a bad way at the end of Clock Jumpers Return.
J. Lynn: I'm glad to be of help. I was so happy you included us and that we are going to be in a movie. We have a big name producer and director. My resume is going to shine after this. I only wish Brad was here now. I won't disclose his location, it will give away some of book 3 so mum's the word.
Author: (Applause as Chi walks in on stage and stands beside J. Lynn) Hello Chi, it is a surprise for me that you are here. Good to see you.
Chi: Sorry to barge in KJ but we have some trouble on the movie set. J. Lynn, I'm afraid I have some bad news.
J: Lynn: Is it Brad??
Chi: The aliens in the 23rd..." (Chi begins to fade and then J. Lynn. KJ sees both of them disappear from the interview. Another body materializes in their place)
Author: (Applause as Chi walks in on stage and stands beside J. Lynn) Hello Chi, it is a surprise for me that you are here. Good to see you.
Chi: Sorry to barge in KJ but we have some trouble on the movie set. J. Lynn, I'm afraid I have some bad news.
J: Lynn: Is it Brad??
Chi: The aliens in the 23rd..." (Chi begins to fade and then J. Lynn. KJ sees both of them disappear from the interview. Another body materializes in their place)
Author: Zafar Toma. What are you doing here?? Get out of my studio!! (Zafar Toma, the villain, appears and then vanishes) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am shocked. My guests have disappeared from set and I have no idea what is going on.(A set technician runs on stage and whispers something to KJ) We believe the aliens have found a way to lock on to Chi and J. Lynn from the 23 century. I will have to get back to you and let you know what is going on. We will wrap this up now and find out the truth about this. This may have something to do with Clock Jumpers part 4.
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